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What’s the Latest on Keyword Ratios, and How Do You Calculate Th …

It's pretty difficult to stay on top of the latest updates to the ever-changing world of SEO, but one issue has really garnered ...[ continue reading ]

How Facebook is Changing the Marketing Game with Influencers

In late 2016, Facebook announced a key change to its branded content platform. Companies have been able to promote branded content through the Facebook ...[ continue reading ]

How To Pitch an Article to a Major Publication

While content mills and copywriting provide freelancers with a steady income and constant access to work, some freelance writers choose to set out ...[ continue reading ]

Advanced Methods for Increasing Website Traffic

So you've mastered SEO 101 and beginning content marketing strategies; you're well on your way to increasing the amount of traffic your site ...[ continue reading ]

3 Tips to Help Your Emerging Ecommerce Business Surge

You might have heard... it's not a bad time to start an ecommerce business. The industry is growing fast, there's little overhead involved ...[ continue reading ]

Marketing to Millennials Won’t Work Unless You Try This

Marketers often get overly confident when considering an audience of millennials, the group that increasingly makes up the lion's share of modern, digital ...[ continue reading ]

What Is a Content Audit and How Can it Help Me?

It's not often you get a chance to examine your content for quality, but the practice of content auditing may be the difference between success ...[ continue reading ]

How Small Businesses Can Harness Local, Mobile Marketing

There are several tools at the disposal of small and local businesses, but perhaps none that are growing as fast as mobile marketing. ...[ continue reading ]

How Can You Integrate Your SEO and Content Marketing?

There seems to be a mindset prevailing throughout many marketing forums that SEO and content marketing are separate entities, and the key to ...[ continue reading ]