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Feature Friday: Product Descriptions For Your Shopify Store

The weekend is almost here! That means it’s time for Feature Friday.

Today, Scott demonstrates how to use the Stellar Shopify app.

It’s super easy to use! To install the Shopify app, all you need to do is go to the app directory from within your Stellar account.

From there, click ‘install’ on the Shopify app. To connect your store to Stellar, simply enter the URL of your Shopify store.

If you have go to create an order for product descriptions now, all of your existing products will appear.

You have the ability to pick and choose which products you would like to include in your content order; you can do choose 1 or 100, the choice it yours.

Furthermore, you can choose to the descriptions written fresh, or re-written.

Finally, you have the ability to choose from either professional writers or standard writers, depending on your budget.

If you have any questions about how the Shopify app or how to get the most out of your product descriptions, do not hesitate to contact your client account manager at any time!