Simona Osborn
A talented writer wears many hats. Simona enjoys pieces on topics such as video gaming, food, product descriptions, jewelry, fashion, tech and health/wellness, but is well-versed enough to write on nearly any topic. She prides herself on providing fast turnaround times and high-quality work every time.
4 Ways Leveraging Big Data Returns Better Content Marketing Results
Big data plays a major role in content creation and content marketing. You have to know how each demographic group in your audience ...[ continue reading ]
5 Trendy Content Marketing Strategies for 2017
Content is and will most likely always be king. Every company needs a well-crafted content creation strategy, a budget and team able to ...[ continue reading ]
How to Organize Your Business Pinterest Profile
The popular social media sharing network, Pinterest, often leads users to cluttered and disorganized boards. When using Pinterest for promotional purposes, organization is a ...[ continue reading ]
Come Party with Hootsuite and Crowd Content at SXSW!
[caption id="attachment_8154" align="alignright" width="300"] Source:[/caption] Hootsuite is partnering up with Crowd Content for SXSW 2015. While educating attendees about the awesome services ...[ continue reading ]