When we released editing and proofreading services for self-serve clients in March of this year, many of you asked if you could have your existing content edited and proofread. At the time, the feature only let you add editing and proofreading services to new content writing orders.
Today, we have good news. We just released a new feature that lets self-serve clients have any existing content edited and proofread by professional editors on the Crowd Content platform.
The feature is easy to use, and the way you place an order for editing and proofreading services is similar to the way you already place writing orders.
How to Order Editing and Proofreading Services for Existing Content
Create Order
Hover on the “down arrow” of the green Create Order button in your Crowd Content client account. You’ll notice there is a new order type listed in the dropdown menu called Editing & Proofreading.
Click Editing & Proofreading to continue.
Add Existing Content
At the top of this order form, select a Folder for the order. On the next step, use the tools to add the existing content that you would like edited.
You can add your existing content in three ways:
Copy and paste your content into the text area provided. When done, click Upload Text.
If you have a doc or docx file, use the Upload tab to upload your file. After you have selected your file, click Upload File.
This option is for adding content with HTML. Copy and paste your HTML into the text area provided. When done, click Upload HTML.
Note: If you would like to add formatted content, please use the Upload or HTML options. Using the Text option will omit any formatting.
After uploading the content, you will see a preview of the content you have added. Review to ensure the content has been added properly. You can also review the word count at this point.
Enter Instructions for Editor
Just like when you place a writing order, you can provide instructions and extra information to the editor to guide him or her so that the finished product meets your needs.
Different clients have different goals when having their existing content edited and proofread. Because of this, focus on providing clear and concise instruction to your editor so that he or she understands exactly what you’re looking for.
Fill out as many of the supporting fields as possible. These fields, like Publish URL, Example URL(s) and the Advanced Options, ensure that you and your editor are on the same page.
Select a Word Count Range
The order form will automatically suggest a word count range based on the content you have already added. However, if you’d like to adjust that word count, you can do so here.
In this section, you can also select which editor(s) will have access to your order.
You have three options: Open, Team, or Direct.
The order is available to all qualified editors. The first editor who decides to claim the job will be the one to review your content.
The order is only available to editors you have placed on a Team that you created in the “Writers” section of your account before you placed the order.
The order is only available to a single editor that you select.
If you haven’t worked with an editor before or have not arranged anything with your Customer Success Manager, we recommend selecting Open. All editors in the pool have passed a thorough application and test specific to editing and proofreading, so your content will be in good hands.
Place Your Order
Review your information, click Place Order, and you’re done!
What Happens Next?
Your order will be available to the editor(s) you selected.
If you selected Open or Team, the first qualified editor interested in the job will claim it. If you selected Direct, it will go directly to that editor.
The editor will then review the content for correct spelling, grammar and formatting and anything else you listed in your instructions.
The editor will correct any issues found and submit the content back to you for final review and acceptance.
At this time, you will have the option to accept the content or send it back for revision. If you send it back for revision, the editor will revise based on your feedback and then submit it back to you for review. This workflow will continue until you are satisfied with the content.
We hope this new editing and proofreading feature will help you improve any existing content that you may need a second set of eyes on. If you have questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact your Customer Success Manager or the support team.