If you are a marketing guru, chances are you have heard the term “platitude.”
However, if you are a content writer, like myself, you may wonder if this is a new breed of the platypus.
The fact is, it’s not, and understanding what a platitude is, and why you should avoid it is essential for every piece of content you create.
Now, more than ever, it is important to create content that is completely unique for the business; this means taking the time to learn what makes the business different, and how it provides value to customers.
What is a Platitude?
A platitude is essentially a term that is used too often or too much. When it comes to marketing a business, these platitudes are seen EVERYWHERE!
This is because this has become the accepted “norm” for writers – simply say what everyone else does. Well, the fact is this does not, in any way, provide any type of value to your customers or clients that are trying to gain more business.
Terms such as “the best in town,” or “quality and friendly service” are classic platitudes that do not do anything for building value.
Essentially, you are just writing “Me too!” when creating content for your customers- everyone else in the industry can make these claims.
They are not special and they do not show the unique value proposition that a particular business has to offer.
Avoiding Platitudes
When television commercials were first aired they lasted, on average, two minutes. This gave businesses ample time to show customers how they were different and better than everyone else.
However, today’s commercials are 30 seconds, providing very limited time to offer any type of unique value. In fact, many marketing schools teach students how to use platitudes, but when it comes down to adding value this is simply not the ticket to success.
Instead you need to consider the business you are creating content for, research, and then create content that clearly highlights this strength.
This takes an investment of time and effort, which many people are simply not willing to do. However, with the ever-changing landscape of the Internet, avoiding platitudes is more important than ever.
If you do not strive to do this you are simply projecting another mediocre business, offering the same services as everyone else.
Is this really how you want to make a name for yourself in the realm of content marketing?