Everyone wants to have killer blog content and floods of viral traffic from the social networks, but the majority of content on the web is really just not that good!
In this post we are going to cover some of the basic tips you need to know to create killer content that gets people to not only see your headline, but rush over to your blog to read it and then spread it on their social networks for everyone else to see and hopefully do the same.
Better yet, we are even going to throw in some examples of what’s worked in the past as well!
Content is King… Right?
Yes, content is still king but only if you are writing content that people are finding value in, though not all content is meant to be spread viraly. If you have a niche web site that is focused on “how to install a new toilet”, sure you can create the best article in the world with a step by step process and maybe even a video… but the sad thing is it’s probably not something that people are going to be excited to share with their friends.
On the flip side, there is still value in creating excellent content… and that is having other web sites in your related niche linking back to you as a reference. When you put in the time to create amazing content, you will also find that your site will rank better in the search results. Don’t write for the search engines, write for the people and provide valuable content and you will see your content rank and be shared over time.
Call Out the Big Name Bloggers!
One of the best ways to create content that gains attention of big name web sites and bloggers is to actually call them out and include them in your content. This is something I did a few months back when I created a post all about the top make money online bloggers and how they are using Facebook timeline images to better promote their brands or personality. The post did very well and was actually shared by a decent amount of people that were featured on the list.
You can get really creative when it comes to using well known brands and people in your content creation. From interviews, key tips, excerpts from their content and much more… it’s really all about gaining the attention of the people you are writing about, while also providing value. The key point here is that you aren’t just targeting the high profile targets you are mentioning in your content, but also everyone who is interested in them as well!
Everyone Loves a Good Infographic
Never has boring information been as exciting when it’s visually described through the use of infographics. There is just something magical that draws people into facts and when you throw in a long design format with fun images and arrows… then you really can go viral with your content.
This is what happened for BloggingTips.com when they released an infographic on the top wordpress plugins that bloggers can use on their sites. While plugins certainly aren’t an exciting topic, the inclusion of key stats and mind blowing numbers on just how many plugins are available and are used by bloggers all over the world really grabs your attention.
The good news is that infographics can be created for nearly any type of web site as long as you have some interesting stats to back them up. While the majority of us aren’t designers, there are plenty of services out there that can whip up a nice infographic for your web site for under a few hundred bucks. When you translate that into how many people may end up back on your site through all of the sharing and re-posting of your infographic, it very well may result in a killer return on investment!
Create Controversy and Relate to Current News Trends
The last way to create killer content on our list is to focus on the latest industry trends and world news. What are people searching for right now on Google and how can you report on this same information or spin it in a funny direction to create a viral buzz around your blog.
You can visit http://www.google.com/trends/ to see what people are currently searching for on Google on any given day. If one of the hot topics was on a specific celebrity in the news, you could always create a funny article like “Five Things Britney Spears Didn’t Know About Blogging“… then come up with a funny and creative way to spin the content.
It’s all about the content and creating a buzz around topics that people are interested.
The next time you are writing a blog post and it doesn’t seem as exciting or fun as it could be, think about these quick tips on how you can make your content more appealing and viral.