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3 Examples of Great Product Descriptions that Convert and Rank

With more than 350 million products listed on Amazon alone, and thousands of other competitive eCommerce businesses, product descriptions must work hard to ...[ continue reading ]

Social Media Stars: Love ’em and Learn From Them

Today's biggest stars aren't necessarily Oscar winners or even literal rock stars. Instead, a new variety of home-grown stars are springing up on ...[ continue reading ]

Social Influencer Marketing: A Must-Have or a Waste of Time?

Adblock use is soaring. Consumer trust in advertisers is crashing. The new dilemma for marketers: How do you get your message across to ...[ continue reading ]

Research Studies Every Content Marketer Should Read in 2017

In the rapidly changing field of content marketing, it's important to stay on top of the small permutations in the marketplace that can ...[ continue reading ]

How to Perform A/B Testing Like an Expert in 5 Easy Steps

A/B testing, sometimes known as split testing, is a way to test two versions of the same thing to see which is the ...[ continue reading ]