Crowd Content has integrated with HootSuite to make social media marketing a lot easier. From your HootSuite dashboard, you can now order content from the talented freelance writers at Crowd Content.
What’s even better, your completed content now automatically appears on your HootSuite dashboard. This allows you to distribute it across Twitter, Facebook, and other social networks in seconds.
Install the Crowd Content App at HootSuite
To get started, you need to connect your Crowd Content account with your HootSuite account.
If you don’t have a Crowd Content account, create one here.
If you don’t have a HootSuite account, create one here.
From the HootSuite dash, go to App Directory > Free Apps > Crowd Content and click Install.
After connecting your Crowd Content account with your HootSuite account, you will be able to manage your Crowd Content account from either HootSuite or from Crowd Content.
Enjoy Full Functionality from Your HootSuite Dashboard
The Crowd Content app at HootSuite is fully functional. You can do almost everything from the app that you can do from the main Crowd Content website, such as:
- Add funds to your account
- Place orders for Tweets, Facebook Posts or other content from Crowd Content’s writers
- Review drafts from writers and request revisions if necessary
- Accept and rate content orders
- Place Direct Orders with preferred writers
- View a Dashboard showing your recent activity
Distribute Content to Twitter, Facebook and Other Social Networks in Seconds
The best part about this integration is that all of your completed orders from your Crowd Content account will automatically appear on your HootSuite dashboard.
You can then simply click the “Share” button beside any completed content piece to share that content via Twitter, Facebook or any other social network supported by HootSuite.
More about HootSuite
A social media management system, HootSuite helps businesses and organizations collaboratively implement campaigns across social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ Pages and LinkedIn from a single secure, online dashboard. Some of their advanced functionality includes tools for audience engagement, team collaboration, account security and comprehensive analytics for end-to-end measurement and reporting.