It’s an easy mistake.
A client asks you to write a product description and call to action (CTA). But it’s for the wrong market or they have specifics they didn’t tell you about and their conversion rates don’t jump – so of course it’s your fault. Writing descriptions with CTAs shouldn’t be that difficult, right?
Well here’s the thing. CTAs and product descriptions need to be persuasive to make buyers want to have them.
Take a peek at these 5 simple tips that use the art of persuasion to help you increase conversion rates.
1. Focus on the Buyer
You’re writing an article. There’s no time to consider target markets unless the client includes this information, but what you can do is briefly consider who the buyer is and how to pitch to that particular market. Don’t make it too general or they won’t read it. Too narrow and they’ll skip it entirely.
The best way to write effective descriptions with CTAs is to identify with a buyer. One great way to do this is from a you perspective in your description…
You know the cheap windshield wipers that fall apart in middle of a storm? Yup, we hate them, too! That’s why we made these better with a durable frame that won’t bend and can withstand all types of weather conditions and the hardest ice picks. Buy Rain-X 100% Steel Blades Here.
You get the idea…
Imagine the buyer. Picture the ideal client needing that product. Use language that will resonate with the customer. Stick to the word count so it doesn’t get too wordy. Done! Onto the next one…
2. Make it Meaty
When you write a CTA at the end of a product description, a client may ask for lots of details to be included like specs, features, materials, etc., which can put a customer to sleep if they only want to know if it’s a 2-for-1 deal, or what size it comes in.
Because the average consumer isn’t interested in the mundane, consider splitting up your text. Give a good lead or header and close with a strong CTA. In the middle, make that your meat with all the key specs and information. The middle, or meat, is for people who need the specs and want the small print.
Henneke with Kissmetrics suggests:
“Quit talking in vague statements. Stop babbling on about features and specifications. Turn them into enticing benefits. That’s how you seduce your buyer to buy.”
Consider this sample description and CTA from Method Home shared by Justin at Techspect:
Sometimes the scent of seasonal hand wash is all we need to rouse our holiday spirits. Available in an array of festive fragrances, our naturally derived gel hand wash will leave your hands soft, clean and ready to be tucked into a pair of fair isle mittens. It really is the most wonderful time of the year. Brighten Your Holidays Now.
The first sentence is the header/lead. It sets the tone. It’s persuasive. It’s suggestive and draws you into the meat of the description. By the time you get to the CTA, you want to unwrap presents! The description and CTA together make you want a cookie as you curl up in bed and await a visit from St. Nick! And that’s the point.
Psychology Today suggests that brick and mortar stores can trick the senses by scenting the air with sweet smells to make customers feel happy and festive. You can use your writing, so sell them on the experience. Next!
3. Avoid Generic Phrases
When you write a CTA after a description, if you aren’t familiar with the product or if you don’t have a visual in mind, you might use words that are too generic. These are fluffer words like “perfect” or “excellent”. How was your dinner? Excellent! How do those shoes fit? Excellent!
The problem with these fluffer words is that potential buyers can get bored because the wording is too generic. Just check out these two CNET reviews:
The Galaxy S7 Edge has an excellent camera, a good battery and it’s expendable. Buy it here…
The new iPhone 7 is faster, lasts longer, shoots better, has a beast of a battery and it can survive a brief bath. Buy it here…
Well, we know the Galaxy S7 also catches fire and is now banned from all planes, trains and automobiles, but aside from the obvious, the details on the iPhone 7 give a better visual for the product. They both have a standard CTA, but the iPhone’s description is more appealing.
When your description and CTA are too generic, a potential customer can lose interest and trust in the company selling the products. To avoid this, give technical details. This can peak the buyer’s curiosity.
Onto our next exceptional example…
4. Have a Rock Solid Header
Superlatives can come across as cold, boasting and bland, but they can also build consumer confidence when worded correctly.
Quicksprout describes it like this:
“It follows that unless your headline sells your product, you have wasted 90 percent of your money…”
When you create a header in your description, if it’s a product that’s the best in the market, say it. If it’s not, don’t say it. People will know and if they think you’re lying, they’ll take their business elsewhere.
Consider this example:
Airborne Vitamin-C kills germs and bacteria that cause flues and it cures colds. Buy it now and get free shipping…
Well, Airborne didn’t kill the bacteria and germs and they had to pay out $23.3 million dollars in a class action lawsuit because of false/misleading advertising. The shipping may have been free, but alas, the description wasn’t true.
Here’s an example of one that does work:
Amazon’s most advanced e-reader has a patented built-in light with 62% more pixels for brilliant resolution. Order yours here and get it by Tuesday…
See the difference? Amazon uses key words like “patented” that build trust. They also use the percentage that increases customer confidence. Because there’s proof that this is an exceptional product, the wording in the description helps to build confidence and sell the brand. The CTA is also stronger because people will know they can get expedited shipping
Remember: If consumers feel like they were misled, this can lead to negative reviews and negative feedback. Make product descriptions and CTAs accurate, honest and informative.
Ready to tease the senses? Check out #5…
5. Seduce the Senses
Sensory words sell. They can increase sales because there’s a sexy way that a really good description can sell. Aside from that, word play can engage brain power. When you have specific audiences, it may help to research the adjectives they need. Here’s an example – try to guess what these words describe:
Velvety. Smooth. Bright. Crisp.
These words can be used for an ad for a new bar of chocolate by Green and Black, or it can be used to describe Benny Rappas wine menu. The sensory adjectives are powerful words referring to taste, touch, and sound. They make the reader want to try them.
To wrap up, use vivid and seductive descriptions and CTAs that help your client’s customers want to try the products you’re writing about. The more descriptive you are, the more your passion will come through the products and customers will click on the CTA because you’ve aroused their senses. Have you had any issues with descriptions and CTAs like this? Did more research help? Or did you just picture what the client might want? Let us know what has worked for you…