Alfonse Jorgenson
Alfonse has experience handling writing and programming work in the SEO field. He has also handled creation of product websites, including descriptions for products. He has worked with clients in the law field who had specific SEO needs that required care for ethical and legal considerations of their individual practices.
3 Tools That Turn Big Data into SEO Content
User time spent on a site is a critical on-page metric that search engines monitor, and one way to keep eyeballs on webpages ...[ continue reading ]
Christmas Present: Free Content Creation Tools!
It takes time and work to produce content that’s consistently high-quality, and smart content producers understand the value of finding the right content ...[ continue reading ]
How to Write Killer Content for Landing Pages
Landing pages have a specific goal: to encourage visitors to a website to take a specific set of actions. The directness of this ...[ continue reading ]
How Does Outsourcing Copywriting Help Affiliate Marketers?
Maintaining a presence within the affiliate marketing world requires keeping ahead of changes in a variety of different sectors. Affiliate marketers need to ...[ continue reading ]
How to Craft Social Media Content Your Audience Will Love
Establishing a social media presence requires content that motivates your readers to care about the conversation that you’re trying to have. A good ...[ continue reading ]
3 SEO Content Tools to Help You Rank in Search
Most folks who operate a website today are savvy enough to appreciate the value of focusing on creating quality on-page content as part ...[ continue reading ]
Creating SEO Content That Inspires Action
One of the biggest challenges that confronts any SEO content creation campaign is finding a style of content that is search engine-friendly, is ...[ continue reading ]