Some people discover their passions later in life, like Julia Child, who started studying cooking in her late 30s. Others are inspired from a young age — Mozart was composing at age five.
It’s the same with our freelance writers. Some are just dipping their toes in and picked up the craft recently, and others have been immersed in words for years. Which brings us to our illustrious Writer Spotlight column, where we untangle the diverse paths writers take to became part of our community. So, set aside your Oxford commas and active voice for a little while as we get to know Katharine Rochemont, known in real life as Jeanne.
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One of Crowd Content’s most prolific wordsmiths, Jeanne’s smooth prose and willingness to jump in makes the lives of many project managers a wee bit easier. Although she’s loved writing since she was a child, it’s only been the last 11 years that she’s spun her lifelong passion into a full-time career.
Jeanne currently lives in Scotland, but has done some continent-hopping. She grew up in England and moved to the United States in her early 20s. She spent 14 years there, dividing her time between Minnesota and Kansas. In 2019, she crossed the Atlantic again, this time with her Kansas-born husband and three young children in tow — a precious souvenir of her time in North America.
Jeanne’s work life began in retail in the U.K. with Futon Company. She eventually became a store manager in Exeter. “After that, I spent some time in the training department at a subsidiary of Carlson Craft in Mankato, MN, and then worked for Dollar General for a few years [where I] started as a store manager [and] moved up to district manager,” Jeanne explains.
After putting all her energies into the job and eventually getting burned out, she opted to leave the 9-to-5 grind for a freelance writing and graphic design career in 2009. “That’s basically where I am now, although I dedicate almost 100% of my time to writing these days,” she says.
Her transition to Crowd Content was fairly seamless. “I’ve known many of the people involved in Crowd Content for years — Lisa, Katelynne, editors like Stuart Brown, etc.,” Jeanne explains. “We’ve all hung around in the same online content writing circles since the beginning of time — or so it feels!”
Her favorite projects to pluck from the platform’s work queues are 2,500- to 3,500-word articles for BigCommerce. “I love writing long-form pieces, editorials and so forth,” she says. “I think I’m probably drawn most often to content with an analytical/narrative/persuasive blend. I appreciate an honest tone.” But, like many of our writers, Jeanne dives in where needed. “Bitty web page content makes me want to rip my eyeballs out — but I’ll write it anyway.” If putting your eyeballs on the line isn’t true dedication, I don’t know what is.
Does our veteran four-star writer have any advice for those starting out? “Keep at it. The key to writing well is to write a lot,” Jeanne says. “Don’t be precious about your writing: instead, find a good editor, buddy up, and take advice to heart.”
When Jeanne isn’t writing…she’s writing. “In my spare time, I enjoy writing fiction: at the moment it’s a detective novel,” she says. But sometimes, she exchanges her suspenseful plotlines for a pretty garden plot. “I love gardening — I really like growing things from seed. I find it pretty fascinating.”
And now, let’s get to the root of it all. Here’s what inquiring minds want to know.
What do you think sets Crowd Content apart from other content platforms? “It’s a friendly place to work, and hosts a good number of decent projects. It also has a better pay rate than many other content marketplaces.”
If you could change one thing about our platform, what would it be? “I’d add an extra writing tier for small-volume high-end boutique projects.”
What do you find most challenging about writing content? “Crafting a compelling introduction to long-form content. Those first 2-300 or so words are a hook. They have to reel the reader in and get them interested in the rest of the piece. Once I’m happy with the beginning of a piece, I can write the rest at a quicker pace.”
Who is your favorite author? What’s your favorite book? “I have to admit, it’s probably Stephen King. I really enjoy his edgy tone, which is unmistakable in the writing world. It’s not that I’m a particularly avid horror aficionado, it’s more that I find his story ideas compelling (well, most of them). I’m also currently working my way through Anne Cleeves’ Shetland book series — slow-burning detective yarns set in a moody atmosphere. Lovely.”
Have you been published by any notable sites or organizations (digital or traditional)? “Not under my regular name (I nearly always ghostwrite). I’m working on it, though. I’m sure I’m capable — it’s just a question of opportunity.”
What’s your favorite restaurant or meal? “Nearly anything Italian.”
What’s your favorite TV show or movie? “Gosh, so many. One that springs to mind: Inception. I thought that was very good.”
Where do you write? “Sitting at my kitchen table, sitting at my desk in front of the window, or sitting in front of the fire. I don’t choose option three unless I’m feeling really chipper, though — too big a risk of falling asleep.”
Complete this sentence. When I’m not working, I love to… “Write fiction and look at the sea.”
What are the five worst words in the English language? “Oxymoron, bifurcate, proactive (even though I use it quite often), disruptor, incentivize (ugh!).”
And on that note, Jeanne needs to pull herself away from the fireplace and figure out how not to use the word bifurcate in her next content order. I’d feel better if someone could please give her some protective goggles to make sure her eyeballs are safe.
Come back soon as we dig into the life of another Crowd Content writer. Maybe it’ll be you!
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