One of the best parts of being a writer is that you no longer have to go to work or punch a clock. You can stay at home and work.
Ironically, one of the worst parts of being a writer is that you no longer go to work. You to stay at home.
This may sound contradictory, but in reality, it’s not. Working from home requires some major adjustments both from yourself, and from those around you.
Discipline Yourself
The first major issue that you will have to deal with is the idea that “at home” is synonymous with “off work”.
To many, the draw of the television, the telephone, or latest video game can be strong. However, remember that just like in any other job, as a writer if you don’t work, you don’t get paid.
It is best to set yourself a regular schedule and adhere to it. It doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of the freedom that writing at home brings. It just means you have to have a little discipline.
Family and Friends
This is where life gets complicated. Spouses have a tendency to feel that, since you are at home, you are free to take care of the laundry, run errands, and clean the house.
Your friends may feel that, since you are at home, you can drop everything to chat on the phone or that it is OK for them to drop by for a visit.
Everyone has to find a balance and their own path in dealing with the issues that arise when working at home, but here are a few pointers that might help.
- Establish your own workspace. It can be a card table, but make it clear that this is a work area. It is not for kids coloring books or craft projects. It is your office.
- Establish the expectation that when you are in your workspace, you are working.
- Turn off personal phones (including cells). If you need a business phone, get a separate line. Shocking as it may be, no one is going to die from not being able to reach you every minute of the day.
Writing can be a very rewarding career, but it can also be very challenging. There is nothing worse than being on a roll, where the words are flowing and have your train of thought disrupted. It can cause instant writers block.
To prevent this, always remember that work is work and play is play. Treat your writing business as a business. If you wouldn’t allow it in an outside office, don’t allow it in your home office.
What is your biggest challenge of working from home? Do you have any suggestions for other writers?