Content marketing is one of the most cost-effective ways to reach a large number of people and let them know what your business has to offer. Unfortunately, many companies don’t use content effectively, mostly because it’s difficult to produce a large volume of content on a consistent basis.
The good news is that it’s possible to create eCommerce content at scale if you have the right resources and support. We wrote this guide to help you understand why you should make content creation a priority, explain how to grow your business with large-scale content creation and get the support you need to maximize quality without ignoring your other responsibilities.
Benefits of Large-Scale Content Creation
Increased Authority
When you search for information online, who are you more likely to trust: an established company with a strong web presence or a no-name company with two or three pages of content on its website? If you’re like most people, you’re more willing to trust a company that does a good job communicating what it does and how you can benefit from its products or services.
Large-scale content creation capitalizes on that natural instinct by increasing your authority and making you seem more trustworthy to current and potential customers. Imagine how much faster your business would grow if you had a website filled with articles, blog posts and other content positioning your team members as experts or showing people how your offerings can solve their problems.
Higher Search Engine Rankings
Search engines are one of the best sources of traffic for companies in every industry. When someone searches for a term related to your business, you want your website to show up as close to the top of the first page of the search results as possible. The farther down the page is, the less likely someone is to click the link and visit your website.
Google considers dozens of factors when determining how to rank each page. According to Search Engine Journal, quality content is the most important. You can spend weeks tweaking your site’s design or optimizing each page for mobile devices, but your time is better spent developing quality content to drive up your rankings and improve the user experience. Focusing on content also creates opportunities to optimize your site for other ranking factors, such as frequent updates and the use of relevant keywords.
Better User Experience
SEO is important, but it’s not quite as important as serving the people in your target audience. Visitors won’t feel comfortable subscribing to your email list or making a purchase on your website if you deliver a poor experience that makes them question your authority or ability to meet their needs. Many factors influence the user experience, but one of the most important is the quality of the content you publish.
Your content should be useful, meaning it’s original and fulfills the user’s needs, and credible, which means readers must be able to trust your message. Large-scale content creation gives you additional opportunities to meet a user’s needs and help them trust what you have to say.
More Opportunities To Collect Data
The main purpose of publishing content is to attract people to your website, educate them about what your company has to offer and persuade them to sign up for your email list, buy something or take some other action. What many business owners don’t realize is that publishing content also gives you an opportunity to collect data about the people in your target audience.
When most people think of content, they think of articles or blog posts, but there are dozens of types of content you can use to achieve your marketing goals. Publishing quizzes and surveys can help you gather demographic information or find out what products or services your customers would like you to offer. Maps, calculators and other tools can also help you collect data and gain a better understanding of your customers’ needs.
Improved Brand Awareness
Brand awareness refers to how familiar people are with your brand. If most people have never heard of your company, then brand awareness is low. Companies like Apple and Microsoft have extremely high levels of brand awareness because their names, logos and products are familiar to millions of people around the world. The more content you publish, the more opportunities people have to see your company’s name and associate it with the products or services you provide. Large-scale content creation can lead to higher levels of brand awareness. This happens when members of your target audience stumble across your brand in search results for relevant queries. Soon, they’ll consider you a thought leader in your niche.
How To Grow Your Business With Large-Scale Content Creation
If you’re ready to reap the rewards of creating eCommerce content at scale, here are the first steps you should take.
Hire the Right People
To maintain a high level of quality, it’s imperative you have the right people on your team. Just because your marketing manager excels at conducting marketing research doesn’t mean they’re the right person to create content and publish it to your website. You may need to hire a full-time copywriter or someone with extensive experience in content marketing.
If a full-time hire isn’t in your budget, consider working with a team of experienced freelancers. Crowd Content has thousands of skilled writers available to help you produce eCommerce content at scale, leaving you free to focus on business growth.
Streamline the Process
Inefficiency and disorganization are two major roadblocks to large-scale content creation. That’s why it’s so important to develop a standardized process for choosing content types, producing the content and getting it published. Your process should include activities like choosing a topic, writing the content, optimizing it for search engines, having an editor review it, adding design elements and publishing it to your website.
Plan Ahead
Large-scale content creation is much easier if you plan as far in advance as possible. Many companies use editorial calendars to plan what they’re going to publish over several months. An editorial calendar typically includes the topic, a draft title, the type of content to be produced and a short description of what the content should cover. It should also include the anticipated publication date for each item.
You should also prepare for large-scale content production by creating a set of branding guidelines for your company. These guidelines explain how you want your business presented to customers, investors and other stakeholders. Although most people think of logos and colour palettes when they hear the term “branding guidelines,” you can also include grammar rules or instructions regarding the tone of voice you want writers to use. For example, some business owners prefer a formal style of writing with a third-person point of view, while others prefer a more conversational tone.
Make Assignments
When giving assignments, be sure to consider each writer’s skills, experience and role in your company. For a document that uses technical terms to explain how a software package works, you may want to assign the content to someone who was involved in developing the software. Something less technical, such as a blog post on the benefits of working with your company, might go to someone in your marketing department.
Who Can Benefit From Creating eCommerce Content at Scale?
Almost any business can benefit from creating eCommerce content at scale, but this approach is especially helpful for product-based businesses that rely heavily on online marketing. If you sell tangible products, there are dozens of ways to grow your business with large-scale content creation. One of them is to write keyword-rich product descriptions and category descriptions for everything you sell.
For example, if you sell kitchen products, you could have category pages for pots and pans, cooking utensils, baking pans and kitchen electrics. Then you’d have a keyword-rich product description for each item. Every time you publish a new category page or product description, you’ll have another opportunity to drive organic traffic to your website and educate people about what you have to offer.
Another way to benefit from large-scale content production is to produce detailed buying guides. Like product and category descriptions, buying guides drive traffic to your website and help you improve your page rankings. They’re also useful for showing visitors they can trust your expertise.
Grow Your Business With Content
Content is one of the most valuable assets of any business. Whether you’re blogging about industry trends or publishing detailed descriptions of the products you sell, every piece of content creates an opportunity to educate, entertain or persuade. Even better, content marketing is less expensive than many other marketing methods, making it a cost-effective approach for almost any business.If you’ve been looking for a way to grow your business, large-scale content creation could be the answer. The expert freelancers at Crowd Content are ready to help you create high-quality content at scale and provide expert insight that can help you improve your search engine rankings, drive traffic to your website and convince more people to buy from you.