You’ve just finished writing a great blog post. You’ve researched a topic, written tons of engaging content, and inserted a few relevant images to add visual appeal. Now all that’s left is to post it.
Only one question remains: When should you post it? Right away? Should you wait until after lunch? Maybe put it off until tomorrow morning?
Have you ever wondered if the timing of a post matters? Well, it does. 70% of people who read blogs read them in the AM hours. And blogs get their most inbound links at 7 AM!
The Mad Wave of Blog Posts
There are pros and cons to publishing during peak hours. You’re not going to get undivided attention. Yes, you will get more traffic, but you will also get more bounces and less time spent on page. This means your high traffic might not be high-quality traffic.
Finding the Right Time to Post
Does this mean that you should post to your blog only in the morning? Maybe! Every blog is different, and every blog has a target demographic.
You need to make sure that you are posting at a time when your target demographic is active. For example, if your target audience is men, you’ll find them actively reading blogs at night more than women.
Using Your Own Data
The key is to use data to your advantage. By collecting your own data, you can begin to customize your posting schedule to fit your demographic. Look for when your readers frequently read posts, comment or socially share your blog.
There are a variety of factors that will determine your audience’s engagement, including whether they are local or global, as well as their age, gender, and the time at which they are most likely to make a purchase.
You can collect all this valuable data using the custom Google Analytics tool. By tracking your website’s activity, it can tell you about your lead conversions according to the day of the week, and even hour of the day!
If you do your homework you should be able to pinpoint the best time to post to your blog. After all, no one knows your audience better than you do, so keep track of the statistics and implement a content marketing plan.