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Setting Goals for Your Blog Content

 | Updated on Mar 16, 2021

3 min read Content Marketing

Set Goals for Your Blog ContentWhen setting goals for your blog content, you need to consider your capabilities. How many posts can you complete in a week without sacrificing quality? If you fall you behind, do you know where you can buy blog content up to your standards?

Sometimes it helps to err on the side of caution and commit to fewer posts. Then you can write posts ahead of time and bank them for the future. You will be able to meet your commitments to your readers, and your credibility will grow.

In addition to the content for your blog, you should be setting goals for the off -page activities that help grow your blog as well. Guest posts, social media shares, and commenting on other blogs will raise visibility for your blog.

Goals Within Your Control

Focus on actions, not statistics. You might find it hard to hold yourself accountable for conjuring 100 new subscribers this week, but you could assign yourself three blog posts. It’s a realistic, measurable blog content goal that will lead to new subscribers and conversions. Your goals should address:

  • Posts you will publish each week
  • Guest posts you will submit each month
  • Comments on other blogs in your industry each day

Why Buy Blog Posts?

Unless your blog pays a full-time wage, you have other responsibilities that keep you from producing as much content for your blog as you would like. Here are three good reasons to buy blog posts:

1. You want to increase the number of posts you publish weekly.

When your blog starts getting traction, you will see that the more quality content you offer readers, the more often they come back to read. You may want to buy blog posts to feed that flame and keep increasing reader interactions.

Content for your blog is an investment in your website’s search engine optimization strategy as well. When you buy blog posts to increase the content for your blog, those posts will sit on the web for years and become permanent beacons to future readers.

2. You have fallen behind on your goals.

Life happens sometimes. Surprises rear up and keep you from meeting the goals you had set for content for your blog. You can keep the flow of blog content steady when you buy blog posts.

3. You want to create a bank of posts to prevent you falling behind.

Maybe you have a vacation planned or a big launch on your horizon, whatever it is, you can buy blog posts ahead of time to prevent any lapses in content for your blog.

Keep Your Goals Visible

Once you have set your goals, be sure to print them out and place them prominently in view, so you will not lose sight of your commitment. These goals will alert you when you are falling behind and may need to buy blog content to keep your blogging reputation intact.


Earl Wood

Earl is a writer at Crowd Content and creates content for a mix of technology and mobile marketing websites. To work with Earl and other great freelance writers, create a free client account at Crowd Content today!

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