Finding a successful copywriting service provider for your needs isn’t as difficult as one may think. Keep in mind some simple but important keys to evaluate your perspective copywriter. To know whether or not your copywriter is good at focusing on converting the leads generated to sales, ask yourself these questions:
Does the writer know and understand clearly, your target audience?
Writing to the persona (and this is your job to adequately describe), does this writer understand how to speak the language that will sound familiar to your audience (i.e. teens, or professions, or artists)? A great way to help your writer is to interview current or past customers and find out more about their interests. Pass this along to your writer!
Does the writer provide a call to action?
Make sure the content includes something compelling your audience to DO something. Offer some value added service or product or information that would be particularly interesting to your target audience. Does your writer show this in his/her other work? Don’t forget to have a plan. What do you want a visitor to do once they arrive at this stage of the marketing/sales funnel? Include images and infographics or video.
Use forms or other interactive ways your visitor can engage.
Offering value added services and landing pages with opportunities like newsletter sign ups, social media sharing and reviews is a great way to get folks to participate and not feel ‘sold’. People love to buy but hate to be ‘sold’ anything! Does your copywriter make good use of forms and calls to action?
Avoid writers with these tendencies:
- Writing for a general audience and not for the intended target market
- Overly salesy ~ again, facts tell stories sell. Too many facts and not enough connection will turn readers off.
- Writers that take bland content and just place keywords throughout. Meaningless copy, regardless of the number of keywords or phrases used, will not engage or inspire.
ALSO – What is Copywriting?
Finding great content writing service providers can seem daunting. Keep these important guidelines in mind and be sure to test, track and analyze the results of your copywriter’s work. Great writers will want feedback and will keep improving their copy to improve your conversion results. To learn more about how to become a Conversion-Focused Copywriter, visit our Affiliates page.