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How to Create Content for YOUR Audience

 | Updated on Dec 13, 2023

How to Create Content for YOUR Audience

When people search the Internet, they’re looking for fast answers to their questions. They want to know something, and they want to know it now.

It’s interesting, from a marketer’s perspective, to find out where these searchers are going for their information.

What’s more pressing, however, is how businesses are attracting those searchers to their sites. The answer is content.

The answer has been content, even through Google changes, image popularity, vines, and all other mediums that have come and gone. Content has been the steadfast go-to for over a decade.

Creating the content that will attract your audience is the key to generating attention and encouraging your audience to take action towards the end goal- a sale.

Create the most eye-catching content by answering the basic five “W’s” of reporting, and the “H”: who, what, when, where, why, and how.


Who are you trying to attract? This is the first question that must be answered. Content for a five year old and her parents will be much different than content for a 35 year old man searching for a date.

Identifying the audience will require footwork; research who you are selling to, then gear content toward that audience. Creating content that is out of the intended audience’s interest or educational range will turn your core audience away.


What is your point? Do you reach it quickly? Do you give the reader a reason to keep engaging with your content? What are you selling?

If you want the customer to reach the call to action, you want to reach your point quickly and give the reader a reason to keep going.

Understand what you are selling, and you will easily create content that will keep readers engaged.


Timing is everything. If your product is best suited for a holiday, gear up a few months before with some great content for that holiday.

Consider when the customer would use the product, and convince the customer in the content that your product is perfect for their time frame. For example, if a customer would use your product early in the morning, consider sharing articles about waking up early, and how the product would help at that time.


Location is another important aspect of great content writing. An article geared toward a Northeast audience is quite different than an article geared toward a West Coast niche.

Consider where most of your customers live, and create content built around their lifestyle. Creating content that speaks to a customer will draw in the reader, and create a bigger audience through social media shares.


Your customer needs to know why you are communicating to him or her specifically. As consumers, we are “sold out”. We’ve been sold to so many times that it’s old now.

While your reason for creating content is sales, this must be hidden within the great story you are sharing. Tell the reader why he or she should read the content, why he or she should purchase the product, and why he or she will have a better life because of the product.


The method of delivery is essential. How are you delivering the message? Many marketers have become storytellers through necessity. Again, we are sold out, and we crave something interesting to read. Perhaps a joke, or a story, will better deliver the message than a generic sales pitch. Consider the audience’s needs to best understand how to deliver your content.


Joanna Morgan

Joanna holds a degree in English, Medical Assisting and Early Childhood Development. She is an experience writer in the areas of online marketing, SEO, childhood development, preschool lesson plan writing, and customer service methods. She will deliver the high quality content you deserve!

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