Happy Friday!
Today Scott explains how amazing instructions for your content writer can result in amazing content.
When you order content for your blog, web copy, or wheatever it may be, it’s important to remember that writers do not double as mind readers.
We have created an advanced order options area where you have the ability to provide detailed instructions to your content writer. These will get you on the road to having high quality content for your site!
Here’s a list of your options:
- Keywords- SEO savvy? Here’s where you enter the list of keywords you want your writer to incorporate in the final product.
- Target Audience- Providing your writer with the target audience allows them to adjust the tone of the content to cater to a specific niche.
- Language- What language do you want your content written in?
- Processing Time- Our algorithm is intuitive in that it auto calculates a processing time based on your word count. However, you can customize turn around time based on your deadlines.
- Writer Point of View- You can choose from first person, second person, third person, or, let the writer decide.
- Voice Tone- Do you want your content to be fun, informative, light-hearted, professional, serious, witty, or informative? The choice is yours!
- Purpose of Content- Is the purpose of your content to entertain, promote, inform, or sell?
- Call to Action- Do you want a call to action? You can choose from buy, sign up, or, find out more.
- List of Main Benefits- If you want to put an emphasis on main benefits, here’s where you let your writer know.
- Things to Avoid- Is there something in particular that should not be mentioned? It is common to ask writers to avoid using long paragraphs in this section.
- Attachment- If you have more information in an attachment, feel free to upload it here.
These advanced options are just that- options! If you want to leave it up to your writer, don’t worry about using these options.
See you next week!