Having email problems? Before throwing in the towel on your email marketing efforts, it might be time to re-evaluate your strategy and make some adjustments.
Even in today’s social media-obsessed world, there are far too many benefits of a successful email marketing campaign not to at least give it another try before calling it a bust.
Use Obvious Links
The main purpose of your email marketing campaign is to direct traffic to your homepage or another specific product page of your website. You are not going to have many conversions if you don’t place links in a place that’s obvious.
One link at the very bottom of an email isn’t going to cut it, especially for readers who don’t feel like scrolling down to find it. Include at least one link per paragraph. Forget about being “cool” and make your links clearly look like links. Bring it home by using strong calls to action.
Limit Use of Images
Aside from that fact that some of your recipients will open their email at work where images can be an obvious red flag to prying eyes, there is another important reason to keep your use of images to a minimum. Unlike the days when AOL ruled, many of your recipients don’t see any images in their emails.
The space you “waste” on images can be used for more text or links. Well-coded HTML, on the other hand, can be effective. If you wish to include an infographic or anything else that is visually-dependent in your emails, simply link to a webpage where the image is hosted.
Make Unsubscribing Easy
A frustrated customer isn’t going to be a customer for long. If a recipient has a hard time trying to figure out how to unsubscribe from your email list, they’re going to send anything from you to the spam folder or stop dealing with you all together.
Key Point: Just because a customer doesn’t want to receive your emails that doesn’t mean that they won’t be receptive to your other marketing efforts.
Learn to Avoid the Spam Folder
One reason for the failure of your email marketing campaign could be because your intended audience isn’t even getting it. Ways to avoid being flagged as spam include never using all caps since that’s a dead giveaway that you’re trying to sell something; and nobody likes “cyber shouting” anyway. Space out your emails and get right to the point. Not too many people have the patience to skim through fluff to find out why you sent the email in the first place.
Maximize Your Code
Your emails are going to be viewed differently depending on the browser your recipient uses. Include both title text and alt text in all of your images. These are the messages you see when an image doesn’t load or when you hover over the image with your mouse. Your images should be linked to your homepage or desired webpage. Even if a recipient can’t view your image in an email, they can at least get to your website.