Kerri Ponder
After pursuing an AAS in Nursing at Three Rivers College and Black River Technical College, Kerri found her true calling was writing. Now a full time writer on Crowd Content, she delivers original work that is highly researched and well-written, and is quick to welcome direct orders.
3 Online Marketing Predictions That Will Change the Content Game
If you have been diligently trying to keep up with the many online marketing predictions pertaining to common content and branding practices, you ...[ continue reading ]
Is Buzzfeed’s Success an Easy Act for Marketers to Follow?
Whether you are a savvy Internet marketer or merely looking for articles to help develop your online presence, you've probably heard of Buzzfeed. ...[ continue reading ]
How to Use eBooks for Fantastic Small Business Marketing
If you've spent time online, you've likely seen it at one time or another – websites that offer a free eBook in exchange ...[ continue reading ]
How Did I Build My Successful Freelance Writing Career?
Establishing yourself as a freelance writer can be one of the most rewarding career choices today, but climbing the ladder of success involves ...[ continue reading ]
Amazing Content: 5 Free Tools You Need for Your Writer’s Playboo …
Think back to the day you decided to become a freelance writer. If you were like most freelance writers starting out, you probably ...[ continue reading ]
8 Content Practices That You Need to Stop Now
Numerous content marketing experts have been blogging about the New Year and making predictions on how this marketing strategy will be affected. It ...[ continue reading ]
5 Types of Blog Posts You Should Publish in 2016
Every year, content marketing changes and content marketing stays the same. Keeping up with it all can be more than a little confusing, ...[ continue reading ]
Content Creation: It’s Not Always About You!
Your content doesn't always have to showcase your brand for your marketing campaign to see some positive results. So how exactly does someone publish ...[ continue reading ]
5 Reasons Why Your Online Community is an SEO Goldmine
Are you constantly looking for ways to build SEO for your website while escaping the wrath of Google and other top search engines? While ...[ continue reading ]