Grant Maddox
Grant Maddox enjoys writing product descriptions, reviews, articles, and blog posts. He is especially conversant in poker and other gambling games and can contribute successfully to strategy articles and news items regarding such games. Grant can write compelling content while observing the rules of English grammar.
Capitalizing on Voice Search Traffic in 2016 and Beyond
Reliable voice recognition solutions are changing the way people search for things on the internet. There's no need to totally rework your pages ...[ continue reading ]
RSS Feeds: Old But Proven Tech for Spreading Your Message
RSS, which stands for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a way of letting your audience know when you have a ...[ continue reading ]
Avoid Online Obsolescence With Evergreen Content
While you're probably excited about capturing your share of traffic related to trending or newfangled developments, there's a lot to be said for ...[ continue reading ]
Colors are Crucial in Making Your Site Fresh and Vivid
The colors you use to display your web content can have a big impact on user engagement and conversions. Not only do the ...[ continue reading ]
Refine Your Online Message With This 1 Simple Action
There's one almost effortless step you can take to make your written words compelling, easy to read and pleasing to the eye: choosing ...[ continue reading ]
Sitemaps Help Users and Search Engines Find Your Website Treasures
Sitemaps are powerful tools for web administration whether you run a blog, an e-commerce outlet, a news platform or any other kind of ...[ continue reading ]
Page Speed Matters for Content: Boost Yours with these 4 Steps
Featuring compelling content on your web pages is probably your main goal, but don't forget that it's also important to get it to ...[ continue reading ]
Why Readability Scores Could Make Your Content Better
We all know that headings, images, bullet points and other elements can make your content stand out and seem attractive, but we shouldn't ...[ continue reading ]
Why Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords Allow for Better SEO
Now that Google and other search engines punish keyword stuffing as a frowned-upon tactic, optimizing your content to attract traffic has become harder. ...[ continue reading ]