Erin Wallace
Erin is the Community Manager at Crowd Content, and before that was a project manager here for 3 years. She lives in Massachusetts, is a baseball/Red Sox fanatic and loves spending time with her family.
Writer Spotlight: Victoria Grant
Every year around this time, Hollywood gathers to celebrate its accomplishments in a star-studded, glitzy affair known as the Oscars. Crowd Content's own ...[ continue reading ]
Writer Spotlight: Ruby Kalten – It’s Your Move
Even before the Netflix series The Queen's Gambit inspired a new generation of players, the game of chess has been a metaphor for life. Players ...[ continue reading ]
4 Grammar Rules That Make Reading and Writing Tougher
Dictionaries have thousands of entries, but only about 171,000 are currently in use, according to a report issued by the BBC in 2018. As a ...[ continue reading ]
Writer Spotlight: Paula Hart – Brave New Worlds
Over the last couple of years, we've travelled the world to get to know some of our Crowd Content freelancers. If we plotted ...[ continue reading ]
Writer Spotlight: Elizabeth Michael — And Now, A Musical Interlude
It's not often that writers are in the limelight. Some may achieve fame by hitting the bestseller lists, but most practice their craft ...[ continue reading ]
Writer Spotlight: Stu Brown — The Stuff Legends Are Made Of
They say it takes a village, but when it comes to writing content, a crowd can do pretty amazing things. As we begin ...[ continue reading ]
Grin and Bear It or Grin and Bare It?
Bearing Bare Bears? When thinking about bear vs bare, the correct answer is that it's grin and bear it. But we're not talking ...[ continue reading ]
Writer Spotlight: Liam Chetek — Life as an Expat Writer
Freelance writing is the kind of career that you can pursue from anywhere. It's flexible enough that you can craft prose from your ...[ continue reading ]
A Brief History of Anytime vs. Any Time
We've all been there. You're at your computer, typing furiously, rich prose flowing from your fingers and filling the pages in front of ...[ continue reading ]