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Writers Hub

Check out this collection of resources aimed at helping you succeed as a freelance writer. Writing tips, freelancing advice, reference stories - they're all here!

Writer Spotlight: Ruby Kalten – It’s Your Move

Even before the Netflix series The Queen's Gambit inspired a new generation of players, the game of chess has been a metaphor for life. Players ...[ continue reading ]

Writer Spotlight: Paula Hart – Brave New Worlds

Over the last couple of years, we've travelled the world to get to know some of our Crowd Content freelancers. If we plotted ...[ continue reading ]

Grin and Bear It or Grin and Bare It?

Bearing Bare Bears? When thinking about bear vs bare, the correct answer is that it's grin and bear it. But we're not talking ...[ continue reading ]

A Brief History of Anytime vs. Any Time

We've all been there. You're at your computer, typing furiously, rich prose flowing from your fingers and filling the pages in front of ...[ continue reading ]

How to Use a Semicolon: Guide & Examples

These days, you're more likely to see a semicolon winking at you in casual messages than in an article or blog post. Many ...[ continue reading ]

Writer Spotlight: Selina Kyle — Many Roads Lead to Crowd Content

These days, it's hard to get lost, thanks to mapping apps that give turn-by-turn directions. There's not always a single route to a ...[ continue reading ]

Writer Spotlight: Oriel Roy — Enquiring Minds Want to Know

Curiosity didn't work out for the cat, but it's a different story for writers. The naturally inquisitive among us often thrive when writing, ...[ continue reading ]

Writer Spotlight: Melissa Spicer — The Making of a Marketing Writer

When you think back to what you loved to read as a child, what springs to mind? Maybe you were drawn to Roald ...[ continue reading ]

Writer Spotlight: Richard S. — To Infinity, and Beyond!

As a freelance writer, you're probably familiar with the charms of working at home: the short morning commute to your desk, the flexible ...[ continue reading ]

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